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Web Applications

This guide shows how to build several web applications and servers. The basic concept is that of an Apache 2 webserver fronting several application servers (such as Apache Tomcat and Plone). We'll be hosting several domains and handling SSL. To avoid unnecessary rebuilding we'll attempt to reuse existing infrastructure.


Embed Python in Apache

mod_python crops up in many places including Trac.

In this instance we're building against our own httpd because of Subversion.


Since at least b63 Sun have distributed Subversion including the WebDAV modules. As such, build against /usr/apache2

Remember to have built Python shared otherwise you'll get 3Mbytes of link errors. Oh, and you have to tell the compilation where Python's shared library is.


cd .../mod_python-3.3.1

LDFLAGS="-L$P/lib -R$P/lib" ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/httpd-2.0.59/bin/apxs --with-python=$P/bin/python

# whilst the LDFLAGS entries appear in Makefiles they're not completely honoured

LDFLAGS="-L$P/lib -R$P/lib" make
make install

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