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Web Applications

This guide shows how to build several web applications and servers. The basic concept is that of an Apache 2 webserver fronting several application servers (such as Apache Tomcat and Plone). We'll be hosting several domains and handling SSL. To avoid unnecessary rebuilding we'll attempt to reuse existing infrastructure.

Apache 2

Configuring Sun's instance.

We're using Sun's copy of Apache 2 but we still need to configure it. It's be nice to do as little as possible to Sun's configuration files.

cd /etc/apache2
cp httpd.conf-example httpd.conf
patch httpd.conf <<EOF
> LoadModule macro_module       libexec/
> LoadModule jk_module       libexec/
> Include /www/apache2/etc/httpd.conf


All of our local configuration will be hung off /www/apache2/etc/httpd.conf.

If you want to use SSL you have to convince the Solaris SMF system to enable it the following shows the current (running!) value of the SSL state:

svcprop -p httpd/ssl /network/http:apache2

The following sets the state (and then shows the value for the next restart):

svccfg -s /network/http:apache2 setprop httpd/ssl=true
svccfg -s /network/http:apache2 listprop | grep httpd/ssl

However, changing the value makes no odds yet, you have to refresh the svc:

svcadm refresh /network/http:apache2
svcprop -p httpd/ssl /network/http:apache2

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